Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Casual Blogger Conference 2010

I'm Going to the CBC!

So this weekend I will be attending the Casual Blogger Conference in Sandy, Utah!! I'm excited to learn things to make the Crafting Chicks blog even better and hopefully it will benefit us Chicks and our amazing readers and followers alike! There are some fantastic speakers and I know it will be worthwhile.

In all honesty, however, I'm a little bit nervous because I'm going by myself, a lone little chickadee in a flock of fabulous, brilliant, hilarious and crafty people.  :) I'm trying to be a big girl but I feel like I'm in elementary school and looking for a table with nice girls to sit with in the lunchroom or hoping to get picked for Red Rover. :) Are any of you fellow bloggers out there going to be at this conference this weekend? Will any of you be my friend??? :) I promise, I'm nice. Look for me and make sure I'm not a total lame-o nerdy loser face?? THANKS!  Let me know in the comments if you're planning on being at the conference and at least that way I'll know I'm not alone. :)

Brooke :)


  1. I'll be there...and alone too. I'll look for you!

  2. I WISH!! And for cryin' out loud it's just down the road from me. I could practically walk there. But by the time I decided I might be brave enough to go.....the tickets were sold out! Have so much fun. I think you're completely brave.

  3. I wish I could come sit at your lunch table! at least we'd be nerdy together ;) Have a great time!

  4. I'm also going solo! And it's my first conference, so I'm nervous on both counts! Eekkk! I'll keep an eye out for you!

  5. Brooke-have fun-can't wait to hear about it-wish i could leave the fam and come too. love, jamie

  6. Okay Missy and Ashlee, hooray!!! We should totally hang out. :) Anyone else?? I wish you all were coming.

  7. I wish I was coming too! But I completely understand your feelings. Sounds like there are going to be lots of others in your shoes though, so shouldn't be too bad. Enjoy!


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