Saturday, April 3, 2010


So Spring and Easter is all about rebirth, right.
Well, I decided to allow the bakist (is that even a word) inside of me be reborn....ok so it was never born, so I could say birth to the bakist inside of me. So I saw these on Bakerella. Ok, so I'm not so sure why I haven't seen her sit before, and furthermore, not so sure why I haven't seen this glorious CAKE POP recipe. Oh I have to add that she randomly got chosen to be on Martha Stewart to make this very recipe. She was also featured making them into cupcake pops here on an amazing site called the Pioneer Woman. So I went to town on the cake pops.
I love food that you can decorate, it's kinda like crafting. The recipe is here... CAKE POPS But really all you do is bake a regular cake.....yellow, cherry chip (shown here), chocolate, confetti, whatever floats your boat, and bake it....then let it cool, then crumble into pieces. Then you get cream cheese fosting (3/4 of a better crocker can) and mix it with the crumbled up cake mix, then roll it into balls, are ya still with me...and then put them in the fridge or freezer until firm (not rock hard). I was trying to be festive and made egg's so easy, I'm telling you.

The boys even helped me in between popping them in their mouths
Ok so after they are firm, you get this chocolate. I used the vanilla chips (as shown) and the chocolate chips (same shape) that I got at Orson Gigi (Salt Lake City), oh and some sprinkles.
Oh and some long sticks as shown above. Yes I was so excited that I pretty much ravaged that package open, please don't be offended. After they are firm and after you heat up the chocolate in the microwave according to the package the way I love that you don't have to use a double broiler......then you dip each ball, or egg, into the mixture then put the stick in. Then dip the other half, or really the whole thing.
Then you let them harden. I LOVE anything you can be creative with, and add variation to. Apparently I like the pink sprinkles. My favorite were the little pink ball sprinkles, I thought they looked fancy and unfrumpy momish cause who wants to be like that??
These would be fun for the birthday party or any party for that matter.
Here's the pink ball sprinkle cake pop. Everyone I gave them to thought they were marshmellows or something else inside.........oh no, it's cake, it's what?, it's cake, but how?, just ENJOY and stop asking questions.
Hope you can try these soon.
On a more serious and even more joyful note, I am so grateful that Heavenly Father sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for me and that He was resurrected. He lives and guides us today. Have a joyous and reflective HAPPY EASTER weekend!!!!!


  1. They are so cute and I loved reading your commentary (except the ending...I agree and loved that you added that). Thank you!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Delish AND darling. :) Great job on those cake pops!!!

  4. Oh, I adore cake pops!
    They are so much fun!

  5. Very cute cake pops! You did a great job.

  6. what did you think about the taste? was the texture weird? I've always liked how they look but not sure if I'd like the cake with that much frosting combo

  7. these are so fabulous! hopped on over from blue cricket and am so glad i did! love this idea and think it would be great for teacher gifts with a cute little card attached! thanks so much! hugs!

  8. As far as the taste, Marissa, I didn't mind the extra sugary taste, but I actually added a little flour to mine because I put too much frosting in it, and I think that helped. Thanks for your comments :)

  9. I've been looking through your blog for the first time and wondering where you were located because you seemed so "Utah" to me. I was right!

  10. these are great! I am making them today for a mothers day gift!! Thanks for posting this!


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