Friday, January 29, 2010

Evil treats for the sweetest sweet

I'm a fan of not messing with something that is already great. Kathleen at Twig & Thistle has adorable printables for Valentines. I'm sure you have seen them around--they are awesome!

When I saw her brownie bags I couldn't stop thinking about brownies. My mom makes the best brownies. They are fudge-y and chewy, soft and crusty, and even after days in their dried out state are still so delicious.

They are evil. But oh so good. So, I set out to combined the pretty package with the evil brownies.I ran into a couple snags along the way. First, I tried to print on regular brown paper lunch bags. My printer had a hard time and they came out with black ink smeared across them. Looking like they had been ran over and were now covered in tire tracks. I couldn't find bags (like Twig & Thistle's) at Micheal's. Because I had a pan of {evil} brownies sitting on my counter screaming at me to eat them I had to act fast.
I ended up printing on regular 8.5 x 11" paper, folding the bottom edge up, folding in thirds, and using double sided tape to hold it all together and used scallop scissors to make the bags the height I wanted. I added a red glassine insert because I happened to have red glassine.
The bags were filled with brownies cut into bite size hearts with a cookie cutter. And promptly delivered. So promptly, I failed to get a shot of the final project.
And here is the recipe for the best brownies ever.

Mom's Brownies
1 1/4 cups butter
4 cups sugar
8 eggs
2 cups flour
1 1/4 cups cocoa powder
1 tsp. salt
2 tsp. vanilla
walnuts are optional
Cream butter and sugar. Add the remaining ingredients in order. Bake in a greased 13 x 18" pan (cookie sheet) at 325ยบ for 40-45 minutes.

These brownies do not need frosting. They are perfect just like this. Although, I suppose if you are a believer in brownies with frosting you could try it. But I don't recommend it.


  1. I loved the brownie bags when I saw them :) Love the heart shaped brownies. I also make heart shaped brownies for Valentine's Day :)

  2. Now I want a brownie...not to share, but for me.

  3. Yum thanks for sharing the brownie recipe, I love when I enter blog land I can find just what I am looking for!

  4. I am so glad you shared the recipe! I think I am going to make these little brownie bags for V-day!

  5. Cute cute cute Nikkala! Can't wait to try those brownies-yum!

  6. Love it! I am going to have to make these and V-day is the best excuse! :)

  7. This is so darn cute. I'm getting a pkg. together for my son, and I can't wait to make these tonight and add such a cute little valentine. Thanks for always sharing such fun ideas.

  8. I have all of those ingredients already. What a great recipe! And the brownies look delicious!!

  9. Help! I made these the other night in my cookie sheet and they overflowed all over my oven! After my husband put out the flames he wouldn't let me finish baking them. My question is, was I supposed to use 2 cookie sheets? I want to make them tonight for a girls night!

  10. Becky--just saw your question. I only use 1 pan. You could try using 2 cake pans maybe....wish I was more help. Good luck! And sorry about the flames.

  11. Thanks. I ended up making them in two 9 x 13 pans and they turned out great! I had one for breakfast ;)

  12. I am going to make these little brownie bags for V-day!
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