Monday, September 21, 2009


It's Kirsten (finally) really has been awhile since I've posted, but I love love love Fall decor so for the last 3 years I've made a spooky Halloween tree. You find random branches from old trees, scrub oak branches are the best and easiest to find because there's always dead ones here and there. I found mine in a field near my house (try and avoid your neighbor's trees :) You can make a big one or a small one depending on your personal preference. Then you spray paint them black, stick them in green floral foam, stick that in a pot and call it good. From there you can either put that fake moss over the base, or you can find a fall-ish patterned dishrag and put it around the base. Then you decorate it with small ornaments you can find at craft stores. I got mine at the Rock Loft and Taipan. You could even make your own if you are on a budget, or wait until the week before Halloween and get them at a discount. After last year, I bought some the day after Halloween and got a screamin' deal. I plan on buying a few more ornaments each year to add to the this one, or to make another one. You could also buy one, but that takes some of the crafty fun out of it doesn't it, but those are adorable too-They are perfect for a table centerpiece or an entry way. So this is last year's tree, I'll post this year's tree when I find the time to make it :) HAPPY HALLOWEEN (next month)!!!


  1. Love the spooky tree. So festive. I've nominated you for the "one lovely blog award" check it out here:

  2. very cute idea-thanks for sharing!

  3. I love this!! You should check out the halloween treat boxes I posted today! They are so cute too.

    labeled under halloween!

  4. Total cuteness galore!! I love this project.

  5. gotta love those free sticks -- here is how i put to use the sticks that my little ones just love to bring home from the park -mu
    love this tree -- i may have to try this idea with the next batch of sticks that make it to our house.

  6. I came here via a Google search looking for Halloween calendars, and, wow - what a great site! I know I will be back to visit often.
    In fact, I just made your site this week's "Monday Muse" over at my website...

    ...each week I highlight Mamas who find a way to balance the demands of being a mom with the desire to follow their artistic passions.
    Keep up the great work!


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