Tuesday, June 29, 2010

{Tuesday Tips} Peanut Butter Play dough

We are beginning a new Tuesday series, {Tuesday Tips}. We will be imparting some of the tips and tricks we have in our motherhood/homemaking arsenal. We hope you enjoy. Please feel free to send us requests and we will try our darnedest to fulfill them.

On with my post....

A couple days ago I was having one of those days where I had too much to do and not enough time and my two little ones wanting lots of attention. A light bulb went off and I ran to the pantry to gather my supplies. It was time for some Peanut Butter Play dough (edible)!

{Peanut Butter Play dough}

1 cup peanut butter
1 cup light Karo syrup
1 cup nonfat dry milk
1/4 cup powered sugar

Mix the peanut butter and Karo syrup together. Sift together the dry milk and powder sugar. Add the dry mixture to the peanut butter mixture all at once. Mix it all together with a spoon and then with hands. Knead to finish making it smooth and pliable. Use as you would any play dough, then the children can eat their creations.

I know this seems like lots of sugar, but it really doesn't taste too overly sweet. And it beats having to sit and watch your kids like a hawk so they don't ingest that nasty other play dough

Have your kids help you measure and pour the ingredients into the bowl. You can also have them help you mix once you begin to knead by hand.

Then they are ready to play and you can have a little time to get things done, or you could snag a couple nibbles of the play dough yourself.

My girl's loved it. Can you tell that my little one has a mouth full while she is playing?

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