Tuesday, June 15, 2010

{Reward Cards for Kids}

 Being the mom of six fabulous & crazy kids all home for the summer, I needed some sort of rewards system for them.  After the first couple of days of summer break, I was already done with the fighting and not listening.  So, I came up with this:

Everytime that I catch my kids being kind, helping, or not talking back when I ask them to do (or not do) something, they get to pick a card.  The are a few different cards.  I picked rewards that they would be excited about, and that I could live with. :)  I printed the reward cards on cardstock and then had them laminated.
When they choose a card, they can't see which one they are getting, which makes it like a game.  They love it!  Some of the cards are 1,2, or 3 points.  They can save these cards and use them to get things at the 'Point Store'.  They love being able to 'buy' things.

So far it has been working great!  Hopefully it will work the rest of the summer so we can all stay happy and sane!!!:)


  1. OMG! I love, love, LOVE this idea!!! I am going to make some reward cards and stock up my own point store asap, as I think this would really work for my kids. Thanks for a fabulous idea!

  2. I love all these fun variations of kid incentives. That's ingenious. I love that they pick cards and they are all different. I think my kids would love that as well.

  3. Cute idea! I'm sure it makes your kids feel so grown up to "buy" a reward with their points!

  4. Oh my, I just posted our own summer "system" the other day. Do we all have the exact same problem?

    I'm LOVING the store. My kids get tokens. And, as of tomorrow, they will be getting a store to buy things. They can also buy outings and stuff...but I think the store is exactly what our little system was missing. Oh, I can't wait! (Well, I'll have to wait...because I won't brave WalMart at 11pm for anything! I don't care what it is!)


  5. I can't tell you how well this will work for my 5 year old! How old is your youngest? I'm worried it will be too complex for my 2 year old even though he wants to do everything his brother does. What do you think?

  6. LOVE it. DOING it. Thanks for the idea!

  7. What a great idea ... I wonder if this will work for teenagers too?!

    I love your blog ... always so inspiring! I gave your blog an "award" on my blog yesterday .. please stop by if you get a chance to check it out!



  8. Great post Jen. We do something similar, but instead of giving him the cards he gets marbles. And then he can use his marbles at the Marble Store to buy his rewards--computer time, a treat, a toy, etc. Anyway the other day I said I didn't have a job and B informed me that I do--at the Marble Store! I guess I'm the employee of the week every week!

  9. yes I think I will try this! I have 3 boys and i am starting to go a little nuts...

    Thanks for the idea

  10. Wonderful idea! Can't wait to try it out on my children.

  11. I did this last summer and I started with having my kiddo decorate the prize box and then I filled it up. I just got the 3 pack of boxes at walmart.

    He was to little to read so he just got to choose a prize.

  12. Great idea! I just went to the dollar store and stocked up on "prizes". Thanks!

  13. This is AWESOME!! I am so going to be doing this!! What a great system...my daughter {4} needs some sort of reward system, this came just in time :)


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