Friday, February 12, 2010

iPhone Valentines and Fancy Nancy Valentines :)

"Be my iValentine." {Brandon}
"Wishing you a FANCY Valentine's Day!" {Annie}
Hi everyone, it's Brooke here with some fun Valentine's Day ideas---I always love Valentine's Day crafts and have seen so many awesome ideas here and around the www. :) So I'm really excited about my kids' valentines this year because it was so much fun to make them!! Each year I like to ask them what kind of valentines they want to make and give out to their friends. I'm a weirdo and like to design them myself and get creative with them. My son Brandon and I
thought about making the cute iPod one that I've seen all over the internet, but then thinking about how much he loves Daddy's iPhone, we decided to go in that direction instead. Plus I haven't seen this idea ANYWHERE, so I knew it would be unique. For my daughter Annie's valentines, she just loves Fancy Nancy and chose that for her theme. So we decided to do something fun with that. I'll chat a little bit about each of them individually now. :)
I love Photoshop. :) I LOVE how this turned out. I want to pass these out to MY friends. :) I used some stock photos and took photos of my iTouch for the graphics and shape of the phone and then added some other embellishments. Then I'm a nerd and made it the "Brandon" network, the time of 2:14 pm (ha ha) and made sure the calendar said "February 14." It's all about the details, people! :) I love how it's personalized. We printed them at Costco and trimmed them up and put them on those boxes of Sweethearts.

Brandon was SO excited to pass his very own iPhone valentines out to his friends!!

Brandon and I had a fun (messy)time putting it all together. Love that boy!

A FANCY Valentine

We love Fancy Nancy around here. I looked around and didn't find any Fancy Nancy valentines anywhere so I came up with this idea just a few days ago, actually! I also made these in Photoshop, found a stock photo and changed it a tiny bit so that instead of the word "Nancy" it says "Fancy". Printed at Costco and punched out with a 2.5 inch circle punch, then used pop dots adhesive to put the circles onto a 3 inch scallop circle.

I had Annie write her name on the back in her adorable little handwriting, then I hot glued a little loop of ribbon to hang from the candy necklace. After all, you need fancy jewelry to have a fancy Valentine's Day. :)

Annie was super excited about her special valentines too. She loved helping me put them all together and had so much fun giving them to her buddies at preschool. Love that girl.

So there you have it! Our 2010 valentines. :)
Have a LOVELY weekend, friends!



  1. those are hands down the CUTEST valentines I have seen!!

  2. LOVE these Brooke! What a cool mom you are!

  3. How adorable are those. I was wondering if you still by chance have the fancy nancy template that you used for the necklaces and if you would be willing to share it? My 4 year old daughter would like a Fancy Nancy birthday party and those would be adorable to do.
    Thanks so much!

  4. I love the Fancy Nancy ones! What a great idea. Hope they were a hit!

  5. Absolutely adorable and incredibly unique! I am sure they were a hit.


  6. Oh my gosh Brooke, did you get the mom of the year award or what? I am sure you put a good deal of time into these, how awesome are you! Love the ideas, so so cute!

  7. Thanks everyone!!! :) They were fun to make. Melanie, I left a comment on your blog with my email addy, so if you wanted to chat about the Fancy Nancy stuff just email me. :)

  8. Such a cute idea... I'm a teacher, and see kids drawing iphones and pretending to use them ALL the time...I am sure they LOVED the valentines!

  9. Both valentine's are so awesome. I have an avid ipod listener so she would no doubt love the ipod valentine's. Thanks for sharing the great idea. In the file for next year.


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