Tuesday, September 1, 2009

{Quiet Books}

It's Jamie-finally! I don't think I've posted something for months! I've been wanting to post some of my summer craft projects for so long. I have always wanted to make my kiddos cute quiet books and although they were time consuming, they were fun to make and they absolutely love the finished products! My friend Tiffany made a really cute one as well that helped inspire me and I hope to post photos of her book soon. I got the cute cover idea from her book. I got most of my ideas for pages online. I just googled "quiet book" and found so many cute ideas that I adapted. I'll try and give credit to those I found. These have been awesome for church!
This blog is awesome: http://quietbook.blogspot.com/ I got most ideas from here-so thank you to whomever created it.
Here are a few more great ideas for quiet books:
http://homemadebyjill.blogspot.com/search?q=quiet+book (I loved her barn and just had to make one too!)
http://joeandanna.blogspot.com/search/label/quiet%20book (love her idea of making an alphabet quiet book)


  1. They turned out awesome! I am very inspired to get started. Thanks for posting all of your pages and the sites you got your ideas from.

  2. Those are great! I am going to have to give it a try!

  3. These are adorable! You did such a great job on them. I am totally inspired. Thanks for all the resources.

  4. Thanks for linking to my blog. :) The quiet book has been fun, but so so much work. I hope my kids will appreciate it. :) If not I'll appreciate the quiet. lol.

  5. I'm dying about how cute these are!!! i'd love to make these one day. Dying!!!

  6. Oh, Jamie! You never cease to amaze me. Those are too stink'n cute!

  7. just to share more ideas, i recently made a book with a group of ladies and here is what we did: http://ohthehubanity.blogspot.com/2009/09/finished-product.html

    thanks for sharing yours. they are awesome! my enrichment group will be excited to see them.

  8. YEEAHHHH!! I am SO linkin' up to this! I have had an idea for a while to do a quiet book with a bunch of friends.....we each make the SAME page for each other's books...and then swap. I am TOTALLY going to use some of your ideas! SO cute! Thanks....and I hope you don't mind if I highlight you on my blog! You rock!

  9. I want to make a quiet book so bad. These look so great. I'm gathering ideas. :)


  10. I just found your blog the other day while looking for quiet book ideas so I can make one for my little girl. You ladies are so talented! I love how the books turned out. I'm wanting to start on one right away, but can you tell me what kind of material you used for the actual pages? My email is jmojmo24 at gmail dot com. Thanks so much! -Jenny

  11. I am going to use some of your ideas for a quiet book! Thanks for making such a great book! I also love your site! Have a great day!

  12. Thanks for linking! Your pages are incredible. I love the stitching and the style. It makes me want to do over my pages! :) Awesome work!!!


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