Monday, February 9, 2009

Easy Valentine Ideas (and free templates too!)

Last February I was about 7 months pregnant with my 3rd child, and was nesting like a crazy woman. :) So I must've had a burst of creativity because I made a bunch of different Valentine projects back then and just reposted them on my personal blog today. I thought I'd share them here as well, in case you're looking for some cute ideas for your lovies. I even have some free downloads for you!

Fun Valentine's Day Ideas

I made these EASY photo tiles!

{I used "Schnookums" from}

Here's what you need--it's really simple and makes a cute gift or decoration for your home.

**whatever size of tile you want (the ones I made were 4.5 x 4.5 inches, only like 13 cent cheapos from Home Depot)

**whatever photo or design you want (I made little mini digital layouts sized to fit a little smaller than the tile--I forgot to do exact measurements but it worked out just fine! Just go with the flow.)

**A bottle of Mod Podge (I used Matte finish but you could do glossy if it floats your boat.)


Here's how to be all crafty with Mod Podge:

I printed my photos out and trimmed them. I printed on photo paper from Costco because the photo won't smear when I put the Mod Podge on it. Then I "painted" a thin layer of Mod Podge on the tile, placed my photo where I wanted it to go, and let it dry for about 5 minutes (until it wasn't sticky). Then I did another layer of Mod Podge over the top of the photo and let it dry completely. I truly love how they turned out. :)

Pillow Boxes

Another really easy one, I used a project already done at They have lots of darling premade Valentine things. Just printed them, cut out the template, and folded and taped together. Voila. You can fill these with little love treats.

Oh! And I also made these Treat Bag Toppers.

And last, but not least, I made Candy Bar Wrappers!!

Another really simple gift idea for this holiday of love. I made these for Brandon and Annie's school and primary teachers. Again, I used various papers and embellishments from . They are my product endorsement for the day. :) Printed them out, trimmed and used double-sided sticky tape to wrap around Hershey bars.

And I have a treat for you. I made the template to download and use!! I'm sharing the love.

Click here to download:

So, I also made a template to use on smaller candy bars, specifically the delicious Kit Kat bar. So here's what it looked like when I was done using the template:

I saved the whole thing as a jpeg, printed it as a 5x7 at Costco and trimmed the extra off (the template is a bit smaller than a 5x7 print). Then wrapped it around the Kit Kats. And here is how they turned out:
{I used the "Amore" kit from the free holiday sampler from and stitched felt alpha by Dani Mogstad at }

So maybe you were thinking, "Hey, I want to make those too!" Well it's your lucky day, because I have made another template to give to you!

Here's the linky:
Thanks for those who leave comments and thank-yous when they download, it's just so nice. :)

And lastly but not leastly. Last year we had a fun little Valentine's Day dinner with the kids, a little scavenger hunt for surprises, and we had lots of fun playing BINGO with these little Valentine-themed bingo cards I made. I was REALLY nesting, if you can't tell. :)

{I made this with the "Schnookums" digital kit at }

Again, printed at Costco as a 5x7 and then I laminated each card. I made 4, one for each of us.

We used little candies to cover the numbers. We'll be bringing these out again this year, it was lots of fun. And here's the bingo template!!! Hooray!!!!

If you need help with the digital aspect of the projects, check out the tips and tutorials at Digital Scrapbook Memories:

Again, thank you for your comments and thank-yous when you download, it really is nice.

Have a lovely day!

Love, Brooke (


  1. Thanks so much Brooke! I love these and the photo tiles are sooo cute!

  2. Those are some great projects...I just finished makeing bingo cards for my daughters 3rd grade class...however I used all the kids names, and some valentine specific words...They are cute, but I so wish I would have seen yours first!!

  3. Thanks! I love these ideas and love that you made the templates so easily downloadable!! Thanks again!!

  4. What wonderful ideas! I'm rather in awe of your creativity. :) I can implement other people's ideas okay, but I sure can't come up with them myself.

    Would you like to enter one or more of your ideas in our Valentine Ideas Contest? I'd love for my visitors to see what you've come up with!

    You can even link back to your blog so they can pop over and be inspired further.

    If you decide to share, please remember to "re-word" your entry so it isn't a copy and paste of what you've already written. Google gets a bit cross when we do that. ;)

    Keep the creativity coming. I'm bookmarking your site so I can come back again later for inspiration.


  5. These are so fabulous! Thank you for taking the time to make these and share them! You rock!!

  6. These are so cute. Thank you so much for sharing.

  7. thanks for the bingo template download. love it.

  8. WOW! These are some amazing projects! Those photo tiles are stunning! I'll be linking.

  9. Thank you for the downloads. These are all such cute ideas!

  10. I just found your site from One Pretty Thing (I think...I've clicked so many times tonight I can't remember)

    I love this. Can't wait to check out the rest of your stuff!

  11. I absolutely LOVE all of your cool ideas. You are so talented. Thanks for posting AND sharing!! LOVE IT!

  12. Such breat ideas. Clicked on your ads :) Cuz I'm cool like that!

  13. I just found this website and I love it!!! I've wanted to make candy bar wrappers for a while, so I'm so grateful for the template!!! I love all that you do! Thanks for the inspiration!

  14. Thank you for sharing your ideas with me, I am always looking for inspiration and I will defintely be coming back to your blog for more brain flowing ideas in the future. Your house is beautiful and you have a wonderful kncak for display and for photos. I hope I can live up to your amazing talent.

  15. great idea! i can get a chocolate fix while playing games with my kids! thank you for sharing!

  16. Thank you, these are great! I don't know how to digi scrap, but I think I can figure these out. It's very generous of you to share your work with us.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. wow...thanks for all the fun stuff!


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